Tuesday, February 2, 2021

About Us: Fenwick Island, Delaware

Hi there! Welcome to our blog for the Facebook "fan page" about Fenwick Island, Delaware. We started it in 2012 and in addition to Fenwick, we share posts about southern Delaware beaches and nearby towns on Delmarva.

Please note: we are a fan page for this area only. To visit the official Facebook page for the Town of Fenwick, click here. Since we started in 2012, we've kept photo albums for every month since then. It's pretty cool to look back and see what's happened around here and how it's changed ~ check out our albums on the Facebook page here.

Here are a couple of our past profile pics from the page ~ feel free to download and share (just click on any image and it will pop open in a new window for a larger size).

Will be posting more soon, thanks for checking us out.

thanks for following our blog!
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